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  • Writer's pictureStv HARVESTFALLS

welcome to the stv / isolus site.

Updated: Sep 11, 2020

Thanks for reading, seriously.

No, really. As an artist, especially one who has no band to hide in, this is terrifying. I am totally exposed here. I am fault for every move. So here is hoping that its not as terrible as i imagine.

Why a band name? Well, stv has been my stage name for decades, and honestly it is who I am at this point. Trouble is it is very hard to connect to me that way - too many other "stv" items out there....those damn czech tv stations are very dominant in the stv category these days.

Isolus is a made up word. "solus" is a latin prefix for "alone". I thought the concept sounded like some of the desolate sounds i have cooked up for some of the songs I have been working on. Surprise ruined, we can all go home I guess.

I really wanted to name the band one of the many great names I have collected over the years (Assless Chaps, I am looking in your direction) but as this is a more serious project, i will save the comedy for the titles.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to sharing new music with you shortly. Check out the 3 cover videos on the main page.

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